Jay Hoffmann

Books, movies, and code

Editing Crop in WordPress Images Before Upload

For a recent project, I had a need for a pretty simple workflow. I had a couple of image sizes, which I added with the add_image_size function which required a hard crop to a certain aspect ratio. The workflow for authors I was looking for was:

  1. Upload Image
  2. Edit the crop for these special sizes if they feel like
  3. Insert into post

All of this on the same screen. After installing and downloading a bunch of different options, I’m going to formally recommend Manual Image Crop.

Screen Shot 2016-04-13 at 3.46.00 PM

It’s not the prettiest option (that’s Post Thumbnail Editor), but it is the simplest and most flexible. It has a few options for each image size, but basically once you upload your image you can select the “Crop Image” option and then automatically create a new image crop for each size. And everything is brought into a pop-up window so you never have to leave the Media Uploader.

Screen Shot 2016-04-13 at 3.46.58 PM

So anyway, if you’re looking for a good post thumbnail crop editor, try out Manual Image Crop.

One response to “Editing Crop in WordPress Images Before Upload”

  1. Webmention Rocks! Avatar

    This test verifies that you accept a Webmention request that contains a valid source and target URL. To pass this test, your Webmention endpoint must return either HTTP 200, 201 or 202 along with the appropriate headers.
    If your endpoint returns HTTP 201, then it MUST also return a Location header. If it returns HTTP 200 or 202, then it MUST NOT include a Location header.