Hemingway’s Advice for Coders
I’m an avid reader of Brain Pickings (check it out if you haven’t heard of it), and one thing caught my attention a few weeks ago. In the mid-1930’s a young writer by the name of Arnold Samuelson caught up with his hero, Ernest Hemingway. Rather then cast him away, Hemingway took him on as a sort of… Continue reading
Gulp, LiveReload, SASS and WordPress
For a little while now, I’ve been using Gulp in my WordPress themes to automate my front-end workflow and add some handy helpers along the way. For those unaware, Gulp is a slick JavaScript task runner, which can be used to concatenate JS and CSS files, lint files, and generally automate your front-end workflow. My… Continue reading
How to Make Text That Writes Itself in Javascript
I’ve launched a new version of this site, but one piece of functionality I carried over from the old one is a typewriter type effect using JavaScript. It’s actually pretty simple, and with about 60 lines of code and no dependencies, you can get it up and running. Continue reading